Meet Conscious Life Ambassador Audrie Segura

Meet Conscious Life Ambassador Audrie Segura

Meet Conscious Life Shop Ambassador Audrie Segura 

We're bursting with light to share our Conscious Life Ambassadors! We've partnered with some conscious leaders who are spreading some beautiful light. Our hope is that you find these folks as inspiring and insightful as we do. 

Up next is the radiant and shining light, Audrie Segura


Why we love her

We found Audrie through her Instagram, and we are so glad we did. She offers inspirational content and encourages us to accept the present moment for what it is. What inspires us the most about her is her authenticity and rare compassion. To know her is a rare treat of knowing someone who whole heartedly embodies what she preaches. In just her being she is an inspiration to others, not to mention her inspiring guided meditations, content, and conscious events. 

Words of wisdom

We asked Audrie some questions to gain insight into her conscious life. Her answers were honest and uplifting and we wanted to share her wisdom below. 

What makes her soul happy:

Audrie has a passion for collaborating with like minded beings with the intention of lifting the vibrations of everything on this planet! Her soul is happiest when she is reminding people of who they truly are, and empowering others to just "be". 

She graciously shared with us that she spent many years trying to fit molds and attain various goals, but what she realized through her spirtual journey is that: Her worth was NOT dependent on fitting any mold; she realized she was worthy and loved just for existing. In her life she inspires others to do the same, saying "When I be, I empower others to be". 

When does she experience freedom the most?

"When I'm in complete alignment". Audire says that she stays aligned with tools that help her remember who she truly is. One of her favorite tools is meditation. 

"They say prayer is when you speak to the universe, and meditation is when the universe speaks to you. For me, that's exactly what it is. Anytime I leave meditation I feel free!"

Her Advice for Conscious Living

For Audrie, conscious living is about showing up to each moment exactly as you are. She shared that she started her spiritual journey thinking she always had to be positive and a beaming ray of light all the time. Now she says her truth is mindfulness of the present moment. She detailed how she uses mindfulness in each moment by not judging the moment (including herself, her thoughts, and others), not attaching any expectations to the moment, and letting things be as they are. She added, "If I'm sad, I don't create a front about it, if I'm happy, I express it." We love this perspective of conscious living. 

Her Evolving Meditation Practice

With inspiring honesty and openness Audrie shared her intimate meditation path. Audrie started meditating in 2012, after her brother's death and simultaneous battle with an eating disorder. Her treatment program introduced her to many tools to help her heal, and meditation was one of them. She told us that when she first started meditation she still had many attachments to perfection and in turn had many expectations for herself when meditating. "It felt like if I wasn't going to do it perfect, I didn't want to do it all". 

As her meditation journey continued, her attachments to perfectionism decreased. She shared her insightful revelation saying, "The evolution of my meditation practice looks like the evolution of my self acceptance and life in general, they mirror one another”.

Since starting her meditation practice, she says it's been like "drinking water", and she can't imagine her life without it. This is why she has such a passion for sharing meditation with others through her videos, meditation hikes, and social content. Her meditation practice also now includes mantras, visualizations, guided meditations, and using soothing music and singing bowls. 

Her Intention

My intention is "to be a vessel for experiences of love, joy, peace, and empowerment. We are infinite spirits in a finite focus and I am here to share my meaningful experiences with you. [...] I have nothing new to tell you, but everything to remind you. xo"

Find out more about her here:

Follow her Instagram at:

For information about her hikes follow Light Hearted Los Angeles on Instagram at:


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